Tuesday, July 16, 2013

New Blog Design and a Freebie!

I finally took the plunge and got a new blog design. I really like the design and it was due! I thought a new design could inspire me to continue blogging once the school year begins, because lets face it - I'm not good at that!  This year, I have no excuse!

Less than 15 days until I can get into my classroom to set up for the next year and I've been working to get stuff done. I've been busy revamping some of my old files and thought I'd share this one with you.

Do you have a list ready for fire drills? I keep one right by my door as well as 2 pieces of construction paper  - red and green. I hold up a red paper if a student is missing during the (I hope) drill because they were in the bathroom. I hold the green paper if everyone is there. This communicates to our principal if everyone is there or not just by glancing.  Sometimes the best communication is just a simple color.

Well here's my freebie! I hope you can use it! It's saved as a PowerPoint so you can just add a textbox to add your students names.

Have a great day and I'll be back soon with more! I've been working hard!

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