Saturday, August 11, 2012

How do you leave school freebie?

Whoa! Where has time gone? I've been suppppper busy, like all of you. I do have so much to share though.  I know many of you are starting soon (if you haven't already started) and since you've given me so much inspiration, I felt I needed to give back. So in between all the trainings, meetings, and time putting together my disaster of a room, I got to thinking about how I know which way my students will go home. So, I made Dismissal Cards:

I'm putting these in my 'Welcome to School' postcards I'm sending out. I'm asking for them to be back the first day and then I'll laminate, punch, and put them on a ring to hang by my door. Handy for a sub or for anyone in my room at dismissal time!

I'm going to put the change of dismissal in the parent's 2012 - 2013 folder that will go home on Curriculum Night. I'm hoping this will alleviate any random notes/E-mails/phone calls! I'm going to stress this as well with the parents.

Want them? They're yours: how I leave school and change in dismissal!

 How do you keep track of your students going home?

Off to go fill my cart even more in anticipation of tomorrow's TPT sale... I seriously think I'll be going broke! I'm in love with soooo much stuff!